Mar 1, 2009

For the Moms-To-Be Out There

Scribbled by Perky |

When a girl friend of mine got pregnant, I was so thrilled that I wanted to learn all I could about pregnancy. We’ve known each other since we were teenagers and we’ve always been there for each other. So it was only natural for me to want to be there for her all the way during her pregnancy. Perhaps I was taking the role of being an aunt a bit too seriously (being over excited is such an understatement). I mean, I had almost transformed myself into becoming a human version of Google on pregnancy.

A woman undergoes many physical changes during her pregnancy. Most changes are welcomed; others (such as stretch marks and pregnancy acne) are not welcomed at all. Beaute de Maman is a health and beauty product line that helps to control those unwelcome changes. They are not only allergy and obstetrician tested, but also contain only natural herbal ingredients and are safe for both mother-to-be and her fetus.

Many Hollywood celebrity moms-to-be such as Chyler Leigh (who plays Lexie on Grey’s Anatomy) and Brooke Mueller Sheen (wife of actor Charlie Sheen) have been seen and heard referencing various products in the Beaute de Maman line.

If you’re an expectant mom and would like to keep those stretch marks and pregnancy acne at bay, you may order now for the products from Beaute de Maman.


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