Jun 7, 2007

Sikit Lagi! (A Lil' Bit More...)

Scribbled by Perky |

It's funny how you've got all these wonderful exciting things planned for your partner, only to have it ruined by things that are completely out of your hands.

Completely Sober?!? Me?!?
Last Friday was Gawai, which is quite a big thing for the people of Borneo as it is the harvest festival... where you harvest stuff you planted all year long. I do realize that my "people" has nothing to do with this harvest festival, but with Gawai it basically means dancing and booze. Lots of booze... more dancing after more booze... and yeah, more booze. Well, you get the picture.

Anyways, I was 100% sober on Gawai night. Why? Because a few days earlier I was diagnosed with IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I don't really know what the fuck it means, but basically it means my stomachs fucked up. What I do know is that my doctor asked me to stay away from dairy products - milk, cheese and ICE CREAM. Oh, he did mention this tiny little thing - stay away from booze!!! And all this until I fully recover (which, fyi, would take 3-6 fuckin months!).

To add more to my agony, McChef flew over to spend the weekend with me. Yes, yes, how sweet of him... ARGH!!! The bastard watched my diet like a drill sergeant. I was almost in tears as I watched our friends passing the drinks around and I didn't even get so much as a sip! Not a sip! Zilch! So that's Almost Weekend no. 1 - I almost had a drink.

The Eye

Almost Weekend no. 2 was my almost trip on the "Eye of Malaysia". It's basically this huge ass Ferris Wheel where you can see the entire view of KL. I don't know if that's true or not because I NEVER got on it. By the time we got there, there was this long ass queue of people waiting to get on the Ferris wheel. It didn't help that it was very hot and sunny that day, and McChef, being the puteri lilin that he is, he kept complaining like a girl about being in the sun. It's really funny, though, to see how I could almost see him melt under the sun.

McChef trying to look manly under the blistering sun...

Do You Smell Something Fishy?
Falling into third place was my sikit lagi trip to the Aquaria at KLCC. I've heard so much hype about this place that naturally, being the busybody that I am, I wanted to check it out. I want to see them lil' (or not so lil') fishies without the risk of being eaten by them. Yes, a thick glass separating me and the fishes is all what I need. Oh that, and the ability to run with my tiny feet should the fishies decide to have me for lunch. Anyways, by the time we got to KLCC, again we were greeted by a super long ass queue. Now, this was not your ordinary queue. This was the queue to buy the tickets to enter the Aquaria. Now, you all know how I hate crowded areas, so it was no surprise that we abandoned this idea, too.

Didn't get to see this...

Nope.. didn't get to see this either...

Didn't get to sing the Jaws theme song...

But I did get to see this... hmm.. interesting.. no?

Hands Up, Or I'll Shoot!
Oh, did you guys know that there's a shooting range in KL? I didn't know about it til McChef told me. If I'm not mistaken it's like RM190 for 50 rounds of bullets. So we wanted to check it out, but I had missed the turning to City Square and headed straight towards KLCC. And you know once in KLCC, the only thing to do is shop, shop and shop. Anyways, McChef just had to blow almost RM200 on my lingerie and that left him broke... no more money left to shoot guns. Well, I'm not gonna complain so much about not being able to be the next action hero 'coz it was a really, really nice lingerie.

I could've been doing this... but lingerie trumps shooting guns any day.

My next movie role....

Let's Go to the Zoo, There's Lots of Things To Do
Remember the commercial where the kids sang that song when they were on the mini-train going around Zoo Negara? Damn that commercial. I know, I know, our zoo is kinda pathetic but I've been here since '99 and I've never even been to the Zoo. So that was our next stop after KLCC. Anyway, when we left KLCC, we were greeted by the GREAT GRANDFATHER OF RAIN! Fuck the weather. How was I suppose to go see the lions under such conditions? I could barely see the road and we were stuck in a massive jam. So what else was there to do? Balik rumah lor...

Maybe next time I won't be so unlucky huh....

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8 Your say:

savante said...

Wait a minute!! No booze?!?!

Anonymous said...

wooo... so unlucky ... did u cross a black cats path before any of this happen? who know. DejaVu..

Legolas said...

At least you got those lingerie. And don't forget the mystery of the underwear power. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

aiyoh..so kesian. but nvm....got sexy lingerie maa..plus i've never been to the zoo/aquaria/eye on kl thing too.haha.

what more, i'm sure you and McChef can come up with..er, other activities. ;)

Perky said...

Yeaps no booze!! How can i go about living without my weekly beer?!?

hmm... that's kinda freaky coz i actually have a black cat for a pet...

Yes, yes... lingerie always make me happy =) Go underwear power!! hahahah!

Oh yes we did oh yes we did ;) LOL!!

::airswift:: said...

it's okay. let's plan to go to the zoo one of these weekends.

Anonymous said...

wah... such an ''almost'' series of events... :p

but i believe it's wat u do but the person that u are with that matters gua... :)

Tea-Shop-Keeper with a meme for U

Perky said...

Yalah kan... we all should go to the zoo 2gether-gether... roadtrip!! =)

So insightful... but it would've been more fun if we actually did manage to do at least 1 of them hehehe...

p/s: Hey where's my all-year supply of tea?? Bubble tea got or not?