Jun 16, 2009

Addicted to Evil Monsters

Scribbled by Perky |

I have no one but myself to blame for not updating my blog for so long.

Nope, it wasn't work. Although I am gonna see a huge increase in my workload next month due to the upcoming big event in August. Crap, I'm so not looking forward to July!

Nope, it wasn't writer's block either. As a matter of fact, I had plenty of stuff to blog about... only it never made it to my blog.

Actually.... they were more like halfway written before I got distracted with something else.

Here's what I've been doing the entire time since my last post:



This evil game is the reason why I haven't been replying emails, haven't been checking out your blogs, haven't been replying to the comments on my blog, haven't been updating my Twitter page...

I'm so addicted to this brainless game and it's so irritating that I can never go beyond Level 11. Therefore, I keep trying and trying until I get so exhausted that I don't have any energy left to do anything else online.

Man, I'm so lame. Who the hell stays up until 3am to play some stupid online game??

I can't keep this up when my new puppy arrives ;)

Writer's note: This post took 2 hours to complete due to the distraction that is Bubbletown.

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8 Your say:

Medie007 said...

tsk tsk tsk *shaking head*

.:: Ant ::. said...

Hahahaha perempuan garang main bubbletown!


Anonymous said...

tsk tsk tsk jua. :)

foongpc said...

These games are pure evil. They steal your time, and make you mindlessly playing them ignoring more important priorities like...blogging. Haha! *juz kidding*

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

Hey Perky, you've got company in the lame department, I used to play online games until they oozed out of my ears ... LOL!

A Common Singaporean said...

Who does not these days. Everybody plays online games. Including my wife, sigh...

Twilight Man said...

LOL you are so funny heh. I never met anyone more addicted to games, PSP, Wii and Mobile games like Michi. It is not boys' stuffs anymore. I heard boys play dolls in this generation. LOL

MiChi said...

haha....~~!!! I love games too! but not online game, scared of virus le... i used to play nintendo until 3am then only sleep, you are really a fun girl