Aug 3, 2008

It's Never Too Early for Christmas

Scribbled by Perky |

There are people who prepares gifts way ahead of time. Be it gifts for birthdays, or anniversaries or even Christmas. My former boss would buy Christmas presents during the Mega Sale period. She loves getting a head start when it comes to presents.

Unlike most of us, we usually wait until the last minute to buy our presents. And by the time we get to Christmas, we usually go into debt and resort to eating bread until our next paycheck because we've realized that we haven't bought presents for our twice-removed uncle's 10 nephews. So I think it's a great idea to train ourselves to buy our presents ahead of time.

If there's one person I'd like to shower gifts to would be Bibik Nyonya. Apart from being my best frenemy, he also lives just one floor above me. So it's easier to share the gift make use of the gift give the presents to him. It's all about the logistics, baby.

Not only that, have you guys been to his apartment? It's quite sad lor. It's pretty lacking in the basic essential stuff. Yeah, he's got the nice Ikea lamp, which btw, from what we've learned, is great for photoshoots.

But he doesn't have things like water heater or even a washing machine! Damn kesian right?

So my gifts are meant to ease his burden. Here are some of my ideas.

1. Khind Water Heater with Pump

Every time Bibik takes his shower, he will need to boil water first. Why? Because he doesn't have a friggin' water heater. It must be really tiring for him to wake up every morning at 5am just to boil water as he needs to go to work really early. It's so old school boiling water to use for shower.

I think this would make an excellent gift for him. No need to be Cinderella anymore. Priced at RM350, the Khind Water Heater has built-in booster pump with variable control, built in ELCB with surge protector and it even has splash proof casing (which I think is the best feature in this water heater as we all know how Bibik likes to pretend think that he's a Disney mermaid). Plus, think of all the extra minutes he could use on sleeping.

2. Azon Dishwasher

I think having a dishwasher is pretty uncommon in Malaysia. It's more of a western thing. But still, I think this would make a great gift for Bibik as he has very delicate nails.

With nails like these, it's almost impossible to do your dishes

The Azon Dishwasher is priced at RM606 and has the capacity for 4 place settings. It also has 2-3 washing programmes to suit your various washing needs. Sized at 62.5(W) x 50.0(D) x 45.0(H)cm means that I can always carry it down to my apartment whenever I need to do my own dishes.

3. Hitachi Washing Machine - SF120GJ

Almost every other day I see Bibik carrying is laundry to and fro from the dobi downstairs. So struggle right? So I thought why not get him a proper washing machine right?

This baby does super clean wash, air jet dry, has 4-step washing system and super jet wave with wide jet pulsator. It also has the Nano Titanium filter and anti-backterial dual lint filter. Pretty sophisticated stuff, if you ask me.

Hey and it's not cheap too, you know. It costs a whopping RM1,800. And since my own washing machine broke down about a week ago, I'm pretty sure he'll let me use this washing machine too. Afterall, what are best frenemies for right? ;)

Anyways, Nuffnang is currently organizing the Nuffnang Gift Ideas Contest in part by the Realmart Online Merchandise Store. So if you have other gift ideas for Bibik or for your fellow friends, perhaps you all would like to check the website out.

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8 Your say:

Anonymous said...

lol, i love the word "frenemy", reminds me of my best friend hehe.


Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

LOL! You're right, that is a sorrowful sight la!

I have a dishwasher at home and its one of those super duper high tech ones called the Nicholas Phillips 200! LOL! I'm the designated dishwasher at home ... And that Azon one is tempting me to go buy it ...

savante said...

OMG. Bibik! Oh my sweet Bibik! Time to have a housewarming over there dammit. How can he live liddis!

Unknown said...

i second the idea of buying him a water heater!

Legolas said...

My god! And I thought I live in a sad sad place... Now I feel much better.

Perky said...

Simple Life:
Hehehe... well, have fun using the word "frenemy" but remember, use it well ;)

Nick Phillips:
Wow, what an ego booster to have a dishwasher named after you. Lucky bugger! ;)

I don't really trust dishwashers to do a good job as I believe in the old way of washing your dishes. But technology has improved so much that I'm willing to give it a try :)

Well he is a diva... living in his own world ;)

Hehehe! Yeah, about time he gets one!

Makes you feel blessed doesn't it? ;) Hehehe...

Aziya said...

haha... water heater very damn important... washing machine comes second ;p

Lau Niang said...

Hamboi hamboi suker hati tak payah modal kan! Rumah i konsep zen okeh....simplicity in its glory! I'll see to it that i get all those stuff from you on my birthday. You jangan buat bodoh that time. I march upstairs and drag YOUR wahsing machine and water heater down myself. MErasalah uols. Celaka betul.