Jul 9, 2008

When I Was Just A Little Girl

Scribbled by Perky |

I don't really remember much from my early childhood days. Well, I remember bits and pieces of it, and usually it'll be my mom or my dad or whoever who'd give me the full version of my memory.

Anyways, this particular memory I remember pretty darn well on my own.

This was at the time when I was growing up in Manchester. I woke up one morning, I remember it was already very bright and my body was extremely warm. I sat up on the mattress and thought there was something really wrong with my body. Like, really really wrong.

"Why is my mouth constantly watery???"

I tried spitting the excess water out of my mouth. I even tried wiping my tongue dry but to no avail. So I started to get really, really worried. And then panic kicked in.

In the midst of my panic attack, I felt something trickle down my nose. I placed my fingers on my nose and saw that the fluid that was coming out of my nose was red in color.

"Blood. I'm bleeding. Why am I bleeding?? And what is this liquid in my mouth????"

I ran out of the room, screaming for my mom,"Mummy!! Mummy!! Something's wrong with me! I'm dying!!! I don't want to die yet!! I haven't prayed to God today!!"

Well, as you can see, I was already quite the drama queen back then and quite the saint. Anyways, turns out the "liquid in my mouth" was saliva (which is pretty normal to have as I later found out) and I had a nose bleed on that day. So yeah, my first few memories of childhood was pretty traumatic, I must say.

Anyways, here are some of the good people at SocialSpark who have taken up my opp. Do spare the time to read about their childhood stories:
1) SunEGrl Loves to Shop
2) Deatren
3) Wanderer Thoughts
4) Monika's Corner
5) Daily Reflections
6) Stay At Home Mom
7) Wine at Five?
8) Before I Am Famous
9) Poetic Justice

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3 Your say:

Jo said...

Nang drama queen la ko tok...you really exaggerate since you were young!! Wonder where you get that from?? Hehehe

Perky said...

Lol!! What do to... gotta start from young kan? ;)

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

LOL! You are quite the drama queen but you haven't heard me start my drama king routine yet ... LOL!